
Brand tone of voice and messaging

Helping you tell your story

Your brand voice might sound like just a marketing buzzword, but it’s a key part of communicating with your customers and a reflection of your brand identity through words. If you’ve gone to the trouble of getting a strategy together only to fail to connect with your audience in your copy, the impact of the work, time and money that you put into it is lost.

This is where we can help. We’ll make sure that your strategy and identity is encapsulated into your written and verbal presentation so that your words resonate with your audience and reflect who you are.

After consulting with you and reviewing your existing copy as well as some new sample pieces written by us, we’ll craft your new core brand copy for use across your different marketing channels and pull everything together in your new brand voice guide.

Your brand voice guide will show examples of your brand voice descriptors in use, provide guidance on word choice, give a vocabulary bank to steer your internal teams or third parties in the right direction, and make recommendations on your functional vs expressive voice. It serves as a complete copywriting brief for anyone that you work with in the future and helps you to assert your value to customers in concise and memorable ways.

Sound like what you’re looking for? Get in touch and we can talk it over.

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Is this right for what I need?

If you have a purposeful strategy for your brand and are clear on who your customers are, but lack the words with which to communicate it all, you’re ready to get started with brand voice work.

It might be that you had some strategy work done in the past which you are happy with, but that your marketing team is not adequately equipped to execute on, or that you work with multiple partners and need a comprehensive copywriting brief to keep things consistent; wherever you are, we can meet you there. Still not sure? There’s no one size fits all here, so get in touch and we can talk about what’s going to meet your needs.

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